Probiotics Effects | ProLact

Anti-tumor effects

The study of the Bulgarian scientist I. Bogdanov in 1951 demonstrate the anti-cancer effect of Lactobacillus Bulgaricus in his experiment. They established the impact of Lactobacillus Bulgaricus on the cells of sarcoma 180, found in the organisms of mice, hindered the growth and spreading of cancer cells.

The anti-tumor effect is due to the glycopeptides contained in the Lactobacillus Bulgaricus cell wall. This is based on the activation of the immune system function through the lactic acid bacteria and the destructive effect of the macrophages and killer cells that defense against the malignant cells. Food regimens made with four species of lactic acid products, and was containing different strains of Lactobacillus Bulgaricus, were put into effect on rats with dimethylhydrazine (DMX)-induced tumorigenesis within 7-month study.

In the four lactic acid products the frequency of DMX-induced tumorigenesis was highly decreased: with 81,8% in groups 0 and with 50% in groups 1, 2, 3, 4

The average number of cancers in one animal was different from the four groups, and in all cases, it was lower than the control group, treated with DMX and fed only with briquette vivarial food.

Antimicrobial effects

There are many researches done about the well-established antimicrobial effect of Lactobacillus Bulgaricus. Research by V. Bogdanov and L. Bannikova has demonstrated that the Bulgarian lactic acid bacteria exceed the acidophil bacteria in terms of production of natural antibiotic materials. It also has better antibiotic properties than Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis, moreover it is considered as much more resistant, with greater duration of vitality in the intestines.

V. Bogdanov and L. Bannikova researches have established also that the acidophil bacteria are considerably quick to degenerate in the intestines and lose their antibiotic properties. Many studies were done regarding the useful antibiotic and immunostimulant substances which have a great effect of Lactobacillus Bulgaricus against tuberculosis pathogens and diseases.

Lowering cholesterol

Coronary atherosclerosis disease happens due to the narrowing of the heart blood vessels which cause insufficient oxygen supplement of the heart. Unhealthy food like: the high consumption of fats and refined sugars is considered as the main reason for the accumulation of fats in the organism and the development of putrefactive processes in the intestines leading to endointoxication of the organism, atherosclerosis, cancerous and other diseases.

Moreover, the taking of large quantities of fats also results in increase of the level of the total cholesterol in addition to the low-density lipoproteins (LDL-cholesterol or the so-called “bad” cholesterol) as well as the development of atherosclerosis. Different medicaments are designed to counteract these processes – they act by lowering both of the total cholesterol and the “bad” cholesterol (LDL).

At the same time, supplementary research has established that even these medicaments act well in lowering of cholesterol level, but they have many serious side effects which often cause grave complications and even it may cause premature death.

Regulation of the gastrointestinal flora

A vast number of bacteria exist in the human gastrointestinal tract starting from the mouth to the anus. These bacteria change during human life periods. Which is determined by the natural factors, food habits of the individual, the environment, diseases, stress, intake of chemical substances (for instance antibiotics), ionizing radiation etc. The neutralization of the harmful effects of microorganisms is affected and determined by the lactic acid producing bacteria, i.e. bifidobacteria. As they suppress the growth of virulent microorganisms and the secretion of toxic substances.

So, it's especially important to take high amounts of lactic acid producing bacteria when undergoing treatment with antibiotics. Antibiotics bring forth a total disbalance in the entire organism as the dysbiosis that happens in the digestive system elevates the production levels of toxic products – indole, phenol, ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, in addition to the bacterial toxins and so on.

Only the taking of probiotics – lactic acid producing bacteria makes it possible and in a short time to regain the balance among the harmful and good bacteria so that it can heal the internal human ecosystem.

Immune System

Lactic acid bacteria and namely Lactobacillus Bulgaricus have a great benefit in the stimulation of the immune system. It is established that they ameliorate the immune process and help stimulate the cells which are responsible for the immune defense mechanisms – the thymus T-cells and B-cells which are found in the medulla in addition to the macrophages. It is also known that the taking of lactic acid producing bacteria increases the phagocytosis process of the macrophages and the leukocytes from both of the stomach glands and lungs.

It is ascertained that the primary immunity is carried out by the antibodies in blood, lymph, and tissue liquid. More specifically, IgG, IgM and IgA act as antibodies to cellular poisons. It is also found out that lactic acid bacteria and particularly Lactobacillus Bulgaricus increase the antibodies from classes IgA and IgM; the research has been carried out with children who are suffering from stomach inflammations caused by a rotavirus and corona viruses.

Radioprotective effect

The wide use of ionizing radiation materials in different jobs like engineering, medicine and nuclear energetics increases the probability of radiation-induced illness, including malignant diseases. The Chernobyl catastrophe proved the inapplicability of the concept for chemical protection from radiation in the cases of continuous exposure with small doses of ionizing radiation.

The ability of Lactobacillus Bulgaricus to increase the radiation resistance of the human body is increased and was shown by indicators characterizing the extent of destructions and restoration of the system most vulnerable to exposure to radiation which is blood that is produced from the bone marrow.

The test animals were exposed once to 137 Cs source with 3 Gy with exposition capacity of 0.87 Gy/min. Lactic acid products were given through the oral route for 15 days. The provided results show that the lactic acid products which included a specific species of live bacterial cells of Lactobacillus Bulgaricus, have a potent radioprotective effect on the medulla and stimulate the accelerated restoration of the production of blood and of the organism as a whole.

Air Force Pilots - Experimental Trial

Data from a wide-scale clinical and immunity research done in 46 pilots of jet-propelled airplanes from the Air Forces, who were subjected daily to high levels of stress and great physical tension.

The different factors of immunity illustrated in the specified tables are studied and it is evidenced that the daily intake of ProLact for a period of 30 days in doses of 25 g a day had led to increase of the total resistance of the organism. A stabilization of the values of serum immunoglobulins ? and ? and a perceptible increase of the serum level of IgG, of the indicators characterizing the phagocytosis (FI, FN) were observed.

A low level of biological variation in the values of lymphocyte populations (CD8 + T-LY) was evident, remaining within the normal range for the Bulgarian population in people subjected to high levels of stress and physical tension. The research was carried out by a research team of the Military Medical Academy – Sofia.

Modeled Shipwreck - Experimental Trial

A team from the National Center of Hygiene, medical ecology and nutrition, Würzburg Medical University in Germany, Military Medical Academy - Sofia and the Medical University in Sofia in 1996 has carried out a complex medical and biological study in the conditions of modeled shipwreck with 56 volunteers.

In shipwreck the organism is put under the influence of many harsh factors of the sea - vestibular tension caused by the rough sea, hypokinesis, psycho-emotional stress, hunger, thirst, over tension of the thermoregulation mechanisms (great difference of day-time/night-time temperatures) and so on. Along with a host of other studies, product was tested as the single nutritional stimulating product in quantities of 200 g a day.

The following beneficial effects from the preparation were obtained:

  • The weight loss of volunteers without probiotic was from 2 to 6,5 kg, while in the group taking ProLact, it was only with 0,5 to 1 kg.
  • The research team from the scientific groups has recommended the use of the probiotic as a food and protective means in the equipment of the water and air transport rescue vehicles.
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